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About SASE

Our history, values, and mission


The Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE) is a professional society that enables Asian heritage scientific and engineering professionals develop their capabilities to achieve their full potential. Our mission is to develop our young professionals professionally, serve our surrounding community, and to drive cultural awareness initiatives to promote a diverse and inclusive community.

As I am approaching my 4th year with the organization, I recognize the plethora of opportunities and unforgettable experiences that SASE has connected me with. From receiving resume development help from professionals in industry at national and regional conferences to getting professional/personal development mentoring from upperclassmen through our mentorship program, SASE Stevens as provided me a platform to network with countless peers, professionals, and alumni across the country. In addition to the developmental opportunities, I have also made lasting friendships with many inspiring individuals from different universities throughout the US that I connect with as I visit different parts of the country.

This upcoming year, I am excited to see the wonderful people that I will meet in our organization and to continue to cultivate a community of like-minded individuals. As the current president, I invite you to our events and workshops, to meet new people, and to explore our website to learn even more about what we are all about. More importantly though, as a student myself and someone who has seen the many great opportunities and wonderful memories SASE Stevens provides, I can’t wait to meet you and to invite you into our SASE fam!

Kristy Chan | President 2019-2020, SASE Stevens Chapter

About Us

At the Stevens chapter of the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers, you will find a group of driven, talented, and friendly budding engineers and scientists who embrace the meaning of fraternity.

Our mission is to

  • Prepare Asian heritage scientists and engineers for success in the global business world.
  • Celebrate diversity on campuses and in the workplace.
  • Provide opportunities for members to make contributions to their local communities.

Above all, SASE membership is open to men and women of all ethnic backgrounds.

Our chapter works with the Office of Career Development and other professional organizations to plan etiquette dinners, alumni networking nights, resume reviews, and other events to give our members the biggest advantage when it comes to finding job opportunities and gathering a larger network.
SASE Stevens is also committed to giving back to the community, with members volunteering around Hoboken tutoring elementary school students and volunteering in soup kitchens.
Through collaborating with multiple cultural organizations on campus, our members embrace our rich cultural heritage through co-hosting Asian Cultural Night and other cultural events.


Meet the executive board of SASE Stevens!

Minor Board

Meet the minor board of SASE Stevens!

SASE Conferences

Regional Conference

Every spring, SASE Northeast Region holds a regional conference with professional and leadership development workshops as well as networking opportunities with other Asian Americans attending schools in the Northeast.

Typically hosted at colleges and universities in the Northeast like Boston, Binghamton, and Northeastern, the relatively close proximity of Regional Conferences to Stevens makes it easier for more students to attend. At the past 2016 Regional Conference at Northeastern University, Stevens had over 40 students in attendance.

These regional conferences have also attracted some sponsor companies, and these companies do often interview on the spot for internship positions as well.

National Conference

Every October, SASE holds a national conference complete with:

  • a STEM career fair of 70+ companies recruiting for full-time and internship candidates
  • professional and leadership development workshops
  • networking opportunities with professional scientists and engineers
  • a gala dinner featuring keynote and awards

SASE Stevens has been attending these conferences since 2012, and our members have been very successful in getting full time and internship offers on the spot at the career fair. In past years, the National Conference has been hosted all around the country in cities including Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Houston.


Leading Companies are SASE Sponsors


Throughout the year, SASE Stevens hosts professional, cultural, and service events.
Check out what we've been up to!


See what some of our alumni have to say!

SASE Stevens changed me!

Heidon Fung

SASE Stevens shaped me.

Grace Gallagher

SASE Stevens provided opportunities.

Katelyn Mei Tran